11 hello michigan.


We've successfully packed up all of our belongings and moved a few hundred miles north to Iron Mountain, MI. We'll be staying with our parents for another week or two until we close on our house!  We're hoping to close on the 15th and I am so excited about having our own home.  I've also been getting used to working full-time out of my house (well, my parents' house at the moment) and I must say I love it so far.  I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy it even more when I have a pretty new office to spend time in every day.

Here are a couple pictures of one person I've been spending a lot of time with lately, my super sweet little sister Gaby.  It's so nice to see her pretty face all the time now.

I guess you could say things are changing around here!  New state, new house, new job for my husband and a new experience of telecommuting for me.  I wish I had some crafty things to show you but unfortunately it's hard to be creative when you are living out of a suitcase.  Actually, not even a suitcase.  I'm living out of a laundry basket.  My sewing machine is currently spending some quality time in our storage unit, which hurts my heart a little.  I miss blogging just as much as I miss sewing, so I think I will start posting more often even if I don't have any craftiness to show.  You would be okay with that, right?  I miss reading and responding to all of your lovely comments!


  1. hooray for being closer to home and family! and oh my word that house is incredible! Good luck! :) I've definitely noticed your absence. ;)

  2. Congrats on the house! I totally hope you blog about decorating it. I am trying to place where it is. Is it up on the hill behind the library? It's beautiful for sure!

    My little sister actually just got a new job at CCI. She said they were hiring a bunch of people right now. (Like a hundred? Wow!) Hope everything with the closing goes smoothly and you can get your poor lonely sewing machine out soon! :0)

  3. Congrats on everything! After living out of a suitcase for 5 months and then into our own house, I totally know how you feel! Even though we've only had our house for a week, I love it and I know you will too! Gook luck with the final weeks!

  4. Of course it's okay! Everyone will still be here when you get back. Congrats on the new home! It's gorgeous.

  5. I read your blog because I like you, not just the things you create. Good luck with the next few weeks!

  6. Congratulations on all the lovely new things going on in your life, Holly! Have you decided on the color of paint for your front door yet? It's such a beatiful new home!
    p.s. I just love your blog! The design is so clean and pleasing!!

  7. We're okay with that. Bring yourself back to blogging. We miss you!

  8. I'm so excited for you guys- I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear that you've closed on the house! So glad you two are finally back home again :)

    Miss you!!!

  9. congrats on the move!! so sorry you are w/o your machine! eek!! well you will appreciate it even more when you get it back!

  10. The belt buckle! Need! Love the blog!

  11. enjoyed reading about you and your life , especially admiring your crafty talent for quilts.


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