5 cutest girl.


I took some portraits of one of my best friend's little girls yesterday all dolled up in her dance costume.  I apologize if any of you are sick of the random portrait posts, but photography is a major interest of mine at the moment so I'm going to keep posting them :)
She came up with this pose below all on her own!  Maybe dancing to I'm a little teapot?
We took the pictures in my living room, and the minty-green wall was a perfect backdrop!  Some fabric over a side table worked great for a platform as well.

 This girl has attitude!  She was such a good sport though and the shoot went very fast.
 She couldn't hold her grumpy face for too long.

Her mom was holding a piece of posterboard to reflect the light, so she was looking over to the side a lot.  Sometimes this worked to our advantage.

 Getting tired!

And we're done!
Isn't she the cutest girl?  Love her.


  1. Ha! I take pics for my nieces and nephews and my favorites are always the ones when you know they are officially done:)

  2. Oh these are so cute!! Great job! I love how the background goes so well with her outfit and makes the pink really pop!

  3. Soo cute... Those pics bring back some memories for me!

  4. ha! so adorable! her pout face is adorable!

  5. she is a cutie pie and very photogenic...the tap shoes brought back memories since I did tap when I was her age and we put on shows and wore pretty costumes..nice pictures


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