1 abstract art.


I've been trying lots of different styles of painting during our weekly paint class.  A few weeks ago I was feeling stressed while trying to meet a bunch of deadlines, and didn't have much time to plan a project before class.  I figured it was the perfect time to try something a little more abstract.  I just wanted to paint without really thinking about it.
Abstract paintings are a lot more difficult than they seem, at least to me!  How do you decide when you're finished?  I knew I wanted to start and finish this one within one class (which usually lasts about 4 hours), so I decided on a design that was relatively simple.  Pink, yellow, gray, black, and triangles.  That was all I had in mind for this one.
 I layered the colors on the background, mixing them with white to tone down the neon brightness a little!
I freehand painted the triangles because I wanted them to look imperfect.  They looked a little too imperfect when I was finished so I ended up outlining them in white at the end!

The outlines really made them pop out from the background.
I used metallic gray paint for the larger triangles, and opted to make smaller triangle shapes within the middle one.
 A few little dots in the top triangle and more white outlines, and it was finished.
Overall I was pretty happy with how this turned out!  It's now living in our master bathroom and adds some much needed color in there!  
I will definitely be trying more abstract paintings in the future, this was fun!  I'm going to take Lisa Congdon's line drawing class that starts tomorrow on Creativebug , which I think will help while making art like this!  I am terrible at drawing and I really love Lisa's work, so it seems like a win win to me!

1 comment:

  1. This is lovely! And you know of course it would make a fabulous quilt design :-)


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