7 birthday sewing.


My youngest sister is turning 16 next Sunday!  I think her sweet sixteen warrants a little birthday sewing and an extra special gift this year.

We've had one part of her gift built since November, and I promise to share that part as soon as she gets it, but here's a sneak peek of the second half of her gift.

It's not quite finished yet, but it will be by the time Sunday rolls around.  Considering the fact that zebra print and bright colors are two of her favorite things, I think its safe to assume she'll like it!


  1. It's beautiful! Love the colors you choose, the reds are such a nice punch! :)

  2. really beautiful! wish I had a younger sister (or a sister at all). :)

  3. What fun. I'm sure she'll adore it...and it will be perfect for taking with her to college, too!

  4. This caught my eye on flickr too. Just gorgeous. Simple, bright, modern - Love it! Makes me want to stitch for a teen...

  5. I love this, too!!! Great colour and fabric combination!!!

  6. Wow, this quilt top looks amazing!!! I absolutely love the patterns and colors.


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