17 something new.


I'm in the process of cutting a bunch of triangles from these stacks of fabric for a new quilt.
I'm about halfway through the cutting process.  I'm going to have a lot of extra triangles leftover, so maybe I'll make up a kit or two when I'm finished?
I also pulled out some fabric to use for my Go Anywhere Bag for Purse Palooza.  I'm excited to finally use some of this Lourdes Sanchez Botanica fabric I've been saving for something special.
Also, Blogger hates me today for some reason.  I've been trying to write this post for hours but it wouldn't load!  Kind of makes me want to switch to another platform.


  1. gorgeous fabrics!
    the purse will look great too... Can't wait to see it!

  2. I LOVE those fabric you pulled for your quilt !
    And the bag will be gorgeous in those fabrics :)

  3. that Botanica is lovely!!! I feel the same way about Blogger!!! grrrr!

  4. Very nice stack for the quilt! And ooh, the Lourdes Sanchez fabric. yes!!

  5. I love those colors (and patterns too)! I can't wait to see what you're doing with them.

  6. Beautiful stack of fabric! I'm intrigued by the triangle kits - would you be selling them? If so, let me know :) I just bought the Go Anywhere bag pattern and will be making a couple with Rhapsodia and Hello Pilgrim. Excited to see how yours (and mine) turn out!

  7. Thats a lot of fabric goodness, excited to sweet what your making.

  8. Can't wait to see your triangles.. I just finished a triangle quilt! They are fun, so many different ways to arrange them!

  9. I LOVE the lourdes sanchez fabrics. I have some of my own- and I ue them sparingly :) They are some of my favorites ever!

  10. Very pretty combination of fabrics and colors! :)

  11. I love stacks of fabric. They just look so happy. I was having problems with Blogger the other day and ended up having to change my server. Frustrating.

  12. I have been wanting to make a triangle quilt! if you have a kit available I'd love to snatch it up!

  13. Oooh, a triangle quilt!!!! That's going to be fab. Thanks for the reminder about purse palooza. I'd like to see myself join in... maybe, maybe.

  14. OMG, (oh my gorgeous)!!! Would LOVE a kit from those fabrics! Can't wait to see your quilt. Your fabric selections are awesome!

  15. i have been contemplating switching from blogger too! wordpress seems so much easier! we should discuss this in detail in person in TWO WEEKS! holy crapola i am so excited! i can't wait to see your triangle quilt and i am also joining in purse-palooza...

  16. Love the fabrics!

    Our whole website is built in wordpress and we love it. If you decide to move and need help let me know. :)

  17. We just became a follower of your blog! Come follow us back!

    Anna and Sarah


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